

Job Shop Visibility

Monitor job progress in real-time, including delivery dates and updates on each job's status.

Benefits of Job Shop visibility

Material and Job Performance Reports

Mitigate production delays by ensuring materials are available on time.

Job Status and Material Delivery Alerts

Receive automated notifications on the progress of jobs and the delivery status of incoming materials needed for each job.

Real-Time Queries

Users can instantly query the system for the current status of both job progression and the delivery schedule of materials for specific jobs.

How does Agent PO’s Job Shop Visibility Works

The Job Shop Visibility feature, integrated with Agent PO, allows job shop personnel to query production and procurement data through voice-based interactions. Agent PO gathers information from ERP systems on work orders, material availability, and potential delays, presenting this data in an easy-to-understand format. This ensures job shop workers stay informed without needing to undergo ERP system training.

Key Updates to Prevent Delays

Agent PO regularly updates job shop teams with critical production data, ensuring they are always aware of material arrivals, schedule changes, or potential delays. By providing this information in real-time, Agent PO helps prevent production bottlenecks and missed delivery commitments. 

Timely Notifications for Efficient Workflow

Job shop personnel receive timely alerts from Agent PO about changes or potential risks, allowing them to manage production tasks more effectively. These notifications are delivered via simple voice prompts or integrated tools, keeping teams informed without interrupting their workflow.

More Production Use Cases

Work order risk

Reports on optimal supplier and best ordering policies.

Inbound planning

Instant inventory & ERP data visibility for internal stakeholders.

More Use cases

Inbound planning
Receive daily inbound delivery schedules and gain visibility into future deliveries.
Work Order Risk
Receive alerts and proactively manage risks to work orders.
Order Confirmations
AI agents enable procurement teams to automate the mundane repetitive com…
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