Automatically matches invoices, POs, and GRNs to ensure consistency across all documents, minimizing the risk of errors.
Discrepancy Alerts
Provides real-time alerts whenever a mismatch is detected between an invoice, PO, and GRN, allowing for prompt resolution.
Advanced Querying and Reporting
Allows users to query specific documents or discrepancies and generate reports for auditing and compliance purposes.
How Three-Way Matching Works
Agent PO collects and compares data from purchase orders, goods received notes, and supplier invoices, ensuring that quantities, prices, and details align. If any discrepancies are found, Agent PO raises alerts for the finance team to review and resolve, preventing the buildup of unmatched invoices.
Proactive Alerts for Quick Issue Resolution
With Agent PO, finance teams receive immediate alerts when discrepancies arise, enabling prompt action to ensure smooth cash flow. These alerts are conveniently delivered through email or integrated tools, streamlining the resolution process and enhancing overall efficiency.
Strengthens Supplier Relationships with Swift Payments
By seamlessly integrating with ERP systems, Agent PO removes the need for manual checks and enhances coordination between procurement, logistics, and finance. This allows timely payments to your suppliers, building stronger working relationships.
More Finance Use Cases
Payment forecasting
Reports on optimal supplier and best ordering policies.